Dr Priya Bansal
3 min readJun 17, 2021


Liposuction surgery is a set of cosmetic surgical procedures aimed at removing fat deposits between the skin and muscle. Often you may have a rigorous exercise schedule and follow healthy diet plans and yet there are unwanted pockets of fat resistant to these regimes. And no matter how much in shape you are, there are these areas of fat which you are unable to shed off. This may be due to genetics or other factors which cannot be controlled with diet and exercise and these areas are called stubborn fat deposits. This is where liposuction surgery can help you. Common areas which have these stubborn fat pockets are outer and inner thigh, around the knee, arms, neck, love handles, buttocks and chest. Liposuction surgery can remove these unwanted fat pockets from targeted areas of your body. But liposuction is not a weight loss solution and should not become a substitute for healthy living and diet.

Liposuction surgery is an ideal procedure for:

· Individuals who are within 30% of their ideal body weight.

· Individuals who have localised areas of fat pockets disproportionate to the rest of the body.

· Individuals with stubborn fat pockets unresponsive to diet and exercise.

· Individuals who desire to have better definition and contour in specific areas of the body.

· Individuals with gynecomastia: enlargement of male breast glands because of hormonal imbalance and hence resistant to all kinds of diet regime or exercise.

· Presence of large sized lipoma (fat tumors).

· Individuals with firm elastic skin and good muscle tone.

· Individuals desiring six pack abs or hour glass figure.

· Individuals with good overall general health.

· Individuals with positive outlook, realistic expectations and specific goals in their mind regarding their body contouring.

Liposuction surgery is not suitable for:

· Morbidly obese individuals, as liposuction is not a weight loss solution. Such patients are candidates for bariartic surgery and their weight should be stable for at least 6 months before they consider body contouring procedure.

· Individuals with cellulite and stretch marks.

· Individuals with breast hypertrophy desiring decrease in size; because liposuction in such individuals will increase the sagging in the already sagged breasts.

· Individuals with poor skin tone and sagging skin. Liposuction in such patients will further accentuate the sagging and wrinkling.

· Individuals with excess intra-abdominal fat. Liposuction can only remove pinchable extra-abdominal fat. So, individuals with too much intra-abdominal fat will not be happy with the results achieved.

· Unhealthy individuals with uncontrolled medical conditions or heart or lung diseases as these increase the risks of complications.

· It is contraindicated in pregnancy.

· Chronic smokers; because smoking causes constriction of blood vessels and wound healing is delayed in such individuals leading to more complications.

Only an experienced plastic surgeon will be able to guide you to the correct procedure as per your goals and desires. Dr Priya Bansal, female plastic surgeon in Gurgaon with years of experience and the best technologies available can help you achieve realistic, natural looking results in harmony with your body anatomy and your expectations.



Dr Priya Bansal

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr Priya Bansal understands only too well how important it is for women to love themselves.