How is a Tummy Tuck Surgery Done

Dr Priya Bansal
3 min readJul 3, 2021


Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery targets fat and excess skin in the abdominal region. It removes these excesses for a more toned, attractive abdominal contour. This procedure is also a staple of the mommy makeover, helping women achieve pre-pregnancy bodies.

People who have undergone massive weight loss, have divarication of recti or want fat removal and skin excision due to loss of skin elasticity with age may also use this surgery for their ideal bodies and figures.

So, how is a tummy tuck done?

How the Tummy Tuck Surgery is Done

The tummy tuck is more than an abdominoplasty — it is a lipoabdominoplasty. It combines liposuction, i.e. fat removal, and abdominoplasty for the best results. The first step, therefore, is fat removal, done under general anaesthesia.

Through a 3–4mm incision made at the base of the pelvis, your board-certified plastic surgeon inserts a power-assisted cannula attached to the latest MicroAire device. This cannula moves back and forth rapidly, breaking up the fat and allowing it to be suctioned out. Following this, they use the VASER device with an ultrasound-assisted cannula to emulsify any fat and make the skin shrink from heat.

For enhanced results, your surgeon may also use the MicroAire and VASER tools for abdominal etching, carving out 6-pack abs on your body. Additionally, removing fat from both stomach and back ensures more balanced results.

After this, the next step in lipoabdominoplasty is excess skin excision.

Skin Excision in Tummy Tuck Surgery

Your surgeon removes the excess skin while tightening abdominal muscles with muscle plication. Dr Priya Bansal uses horizontal and vertical sutures in muscle plication for the best results. This practice also narrows the waist and distributes tension, ensuring that the incision heals without stretching the scar.

After this, your surgeon repositions the belly button or umbilicus and uses progressive suturing to keep the results in place. These sutures are carefully placed along with the natural rises and dips of your abdominal muscles for greater definition. They also further distribute the tension making a recovery much easier and pain-free.

This muscle plication and suturing technique also help in closing the incision through hi-lateral tension abdominoplasty.

Instead of pulling the upper skin layer to meet the lower layer, hi-lateral tension involves bringing in the skin layer from the sides. It narrows the waist further and prevents any bulk at the connecting point of the skin layers.

From the incision placement to the techniques used, your plastic surgeon needs to think of everything. They also need to keep your expectations realistic by only promising the results they can deliver. Setting such standards ensures that you get the body of your dreams and complete happiness.

Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon in Gurgaon like Dr Bansal at RG Aesthetics, ensures that you meet your goals and get your flat, toned abdomen. The sophisticated MicroAire and VASER technology Dr Bansal uses ensures that you undergo a minimally invasive, precise procedure, with a swift and comfortable recovery to follow!



Dr Priya Bansal

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr Priya Bansal understands only too well how important it is for women to love themselves.